World Consumer Rights’ Day: learn more about chemicals

This press release on World Consumer Rights’ Day is brought to you by ECHA.



ECHA celebrates the World Consumer Rights’ Day 2014 by publishing more information about the safe use of chemicals for consumers.


Helsinki, 14 March 2014 – A revamped “Chemicals in our life” web section explains how chemicals can be used safely in our daily life both at home and at work. It also gives tips on how consumers can find out more about the chemicals that they use. As defined in the REACH Regulation, consumers have the “right to ask” retailers whether the products they buy contain certain very hazardous chemicals. The suppliers are legally obliged to provide this information free of charge.


For readers who wish to know more, the web section provides background information on current scientific topics, such as nanotechnology, endocrine disrupters and the cocktail effect of chemicals mixtures. Consumers can also find information about very hazardous chemicals and the possibilities to replace them with safer alternatives.


The section highlights the importance of chemicals to our economies and explains that sound chemical management is essential to avoid risks to humans and the environment.



For more on World Consumer Rights’ Day please visit the ECHA link above.  Please contact Nexreg for Consumer Label services.