This news update discussing The Biocides Review Programme is brought to you by ECHA.
The new Commission delegated regulation identifies the active substance and product-type combinations in the Review Programme. The regulation describes processes for changing the participating company/ies and allows new active substance and product-type combinations to be added in specific cases.
The new work programme for the systematic examination of all existing active substances contained in biocidal products enters into force on 30 October 2014. This new regulation updates the on-going review programme to fit the processes of the Biocidal Products Regulation and allows new active-substance/product-type combinations to be included in specific cases.
Key aspects of the regulation include:
Biocidal products that contain active substances that are included in the Biocides Review Programme can be made available and used subject to national laws until 3 years after the date of approval of the last active substance / product-type combination in the product.
For more information on The Biocides Review Programme, please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for Label Services.