Sept. 12 EU: IUCLID 5.5.1 now available

This news release is brought to you by the ECHA.


IUCLID 5.5.1 introduces the possibility to use a Chesar template to export the IUCLID information needed to prepare chemical safety assessments in Chesar. The update also includes a specific export right for annotations as well as enabling the export of selected annotations either together with a dossier or separately. This increases the possibilities for exchanging IUCLID annotations between different actors. Annotations are used to add comments and observations on top of any information stored in a dossier.


In addition, the list of supported softwares has been updated. Older versions of operating systems or database servers (e.g. Windows Vista and Oracle 10g) have been replaced by newer ones (e.g. Windows 8 and PostgreSQL 9.2).


By installing the updated version, companies can take advantage of the improvements. However, installation of the latest version is not compulsory. All files generated with IUCLID 5.5.1 remain compatible with IUCLID 5.5 and, for REACH data, also with IUCLID 5.4.


For more information and the full press release please refer to the ECHA link above.