Sept. 11 Canada: Minister Ambrose Addresses North America Consumer Product Safety Summit – Highlights the Government’s commitment in strengthening consumer product safety in Canada

This press release is brought to you by Health Canada.



The Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health, today addressed the 2013 North America Consumer Product Safety Summit in Ottawa. The Minister highlighted the important role international cooperation plays in protecting the health and safety of Canadians and reaffirmed the Government of Canada’s commitment to consumer product safety.


“Our Government has taken a number of actions to protect Canadians from unsafe consumer products such as introducing the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act in 2011,” said Minister Ambrose. “The Act updated decades-old consumer protection laws and gave stronger powers to recall dangerous products from store shelves.”


The 2013 Summit, which builds on work initiated at the 2011 Summit in Bethesda, Maryland, contributes to strengthening overall trilateral relations between Canada, the United States and Mexico on consumer products. It provides an opportunity for stakeholders and regulators from Health Canada, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Mexico’s Profeco, to learn about consumer product safety activities and best practices in North America.



For more information on the Summit and the full press release please refer to the Health Canada link above.


Nexreg provides a number of compliance services for consumer products in Canada, US and Mexico. Specifically, CCCR reviews, Health Canada Assesments (Canada), CPSC reviews (US) Mexican label reviews, certificates of compliance with NOM standards (constancia) and more. Please contact us with any questions you may have.