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Sep. 29 – US: Carcinogens In Cosmetics And Personal Care Products

From The Huffington Post:

As the Obama Administration works with Congress to pass comprehensive health care reform legislation this year, President Barack Obama told reporters at the July 10 Group of 8 news conference, “We have to bend the cost curve on health care, and there are some very specific ways of doing that – – game changers that incentivize quality as opposed to quantity, that emphasize prevention.”

Most cosmetics and personal care products on store shelves today contain five major categories of toxic ingredients. These are: frank carcinogens (cancer causing); precursors of or “hidden” carcinogens; endocrine or hormonally disruptive; penetration enhancers; and allergens.

There has been recent progress in one state. Following six decades of the FDA’s reckless failure to comply with the requirements of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger enacted the California Safe Cosmetics Act. This requires that cosmetic companies disclose to the State Department of Health Services any ingredients in their products that have been identified as causing cancer or hormone disruption. The Department can then require the manufacturer to disclose these ingredients and their toxic effects on a website for public viewing.

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