Sep. 28 – US: Hand Sanitizer Confusion at School
From WSAZ NewsChannel 3:
To use or not to use? That’s the question when it comes to hand sanitizers in one local school district. After warnings about the dangers of children drinking hand sanitizer, the policy was changed in Cabell County Schools. As we quickly found out, though, there was mass confusion about what the new policy was and what’s in the best interest of the children.
…..Southside Elementary Principal John Hanna said the situation could have been avoided with communication on his part. “Hand sanitizers are allowed in the schools as long as we have the MSDS sheet on them, which tells us what ingredients and chemicals are in them,” Hanna said. “Then, it’s up to the teacher to monitor their use.”
Meanwhile, kids who attend Cabell County Schools are not supposed to bring their own hand sanitizers from home. School officials say, however, they’re having a hard time policing that.
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