This news update regarding the release of ePIC 1.1 is brought to you by ECHA.
In accordance with Article 10 of the PIC Regulation, during the first quarter of every year companies must report the actual quantities of chemicals subject to the PIC Regulation that have been exported/imported during the previous calendar year. They must also provide details on the companies in the non-EU countries with which they traded these chemicals. The deadline to submit the above information is 31 March of each year. ECHA would like to encourage all exporters/importers to carry out this task in good time.
With the release of ePIC 1.1 on 8 January 2015, industry users will be able to generate and submit these reports to their relevant Designated National Authorities. In the new version of ePIC, for most users a draft version of the reports is automatically generated and pre-filled by ePIC – to the extent possible- with the data available in the system. Once the reports have been finalised, they can be sent to the Designated National Authorities for aggregation on country level.
Please note that in order to deploy the latest version of ePIC, the system will be unavailable from 7 January 2015 09:00 (EET) until 8 January 2015 09:00 (EET).
For more information regarding the release of ePIC 1.1 please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for Regulatory Services.