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Oct. 29 – EU REACH: Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern

From the ECHA:

Today, ECHA has included 15 substances in the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for authorisation. The list was published on ECHA website today. It will be regularly updated when more substances are identified as SVHC. ECHA urges companies to check their potential obligations resulting from the Candidate List.

We published the list here, which is as follows:

The press release (PDF) lists the legal obligations for companies:


  • From 28 October 2008, EU and EEA suppliers of articles which contain substances
    on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w) must provide
    sufficient information, available to them, to their customers and on request to
    consumers within 45 days of the receipt of this request. This information must
    ensure safe use of the article and, as a minimum, include the name of the
  • From 1 December 2011, EU and EEA producers or importers of articles have to
    notify ECHA when their article contains a substance on the Candidate List. This
    obligation applies if the substance is present above 0.1% (w/w) and its quantities
    in the produced/imported articles are above 1 tonne in total per year per


  • From 28 October 2008, EU & EEA suppliers of a substance have to provide a
    safety data sheet to their customers when the substance is on the Candidate

Click on the links for more information.  Nexreg has more information on REACH at the following link:

To speak to a Nexreg representative about how REACH will impact your company, please call or e-mail Nexreg at:

Nexreg Toll Free: 1-866-361-3032
Non-Toll Free: (519)488-5126 (London, ON, Canada)

Relevant Nexreg Compliance Links: Nexreg, REACH Compliance, EU SDS Authoring.

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