Oct. 26 – US: Board of Health to consider ban on toxic dry cleaning solvent
From the Reno Gazette-Journal:
A toxic solvent still widely used by dry cleaners across Washoe County could be banned within 14 years under plans proposed by health officials. On Thursday, the county’s Board of Health will consider rules that would prohibit use of perchloroethylene, also known as PCE or PERC, by area cleaners by 2023. Any new cleaning equipment purchased before then and after the rule’s potential adoption Thursday would have to use alternative technology.
“The time has come,” said Andy Goodrich, director of the health district’s Air Quality Management Division. For years, officials have grappled with problems posed by PCE contamination of ground water in the Truckee Meadows but the proposed regulation focuses solely on the chemical’s impact on air quality, Goodrich said. The ban, based on similar regulations already enacted in California, is needed to protect the public from a hazardous pollutant, Goodrich said.
PCE, once widely used by auto and machine shops, printers and other businesses, is now most widely used as a de-greasing agent by dry cleaners. The solvent has been linked to cancer and other human health conditions after long-term exposure.
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