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Oct. 23 EU: ECHA announces draft plan for substance evaluation for 2013 2015

This announcement is brought to you by the ECHA.

The draft update list contains 63 newly selected substances and 53 substances from the first plan published on 29 February 2012. These substances are allocated for evaluation during the years 2013, 2014 and 2015. ECHA now publishes a public version of the draft plan including the non-confidential substance names, CAS- and EC-numbers, the tentative year of evaluation, and the contact details of the proposed evaluating Member State.

The CoRAP process does not include a public consultation. However, ECHA informs the stakeholders of the progress made by publishing this draft list of substances and encourages the registrants of the substances to start coordinating their actions and to have early interactions with the evaluating Member States.

The draft plan has been prepared in close cooperation with the Member States, taking into account the agreed risk based criteria for the selection of substances. The Member States have also proposed substances based on national priorities.

For the full announcement and more information please refer to the link above.

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