From: ECHA
Over the last few months, ECHA has made available manuals and an IT tool to enable companies to prepare dossiers that can automatically be made public on the internet without revealing confidential business information. ECHA will therefore no longer communicate with companies before making information on their substance available on its website…Under the previous system ECHA used to contact registrants before publishing information from their registration dossier.
In accordance with a decision of the Executive Director, information from registration dossiers submitted from 1 December 2010 or updated after this date will be published on ECHA’s website without further communication with the registrant. Registrants are advised – before submitting their registration dossier – to use the IUCLID dissemination plugin, which enables companies to verify which information from their IUCLID dossier will be disseminated.
Information from dossiers submitted before 1 December 2010 will be automatically added to the Dissemination Portal as of 1 March 2011. In these cases also no individual communication will take place with the registrants concerned before publication. However, companies still have the possibility to use the dissemination plugin and update their dossier before this date.
Click on the links for more information.
Relevant Nexreg Compliance Links: REACH compliance, EU SDS authoring, SDS authoring