Oct. 20 Canada: BPA declared toxic by Canada
From: CBC News
Bisphenol A, or BPA, a chemical used to make some hard plastic containers and toys, has formally been declared a toxic substance by Canadian authorities…The federal government added BPA to Canada’s toxic substances list on Wednesday.
There is no smoking gun indicating how dangerous BPA is, but the evidence is adding up, said Bruce Lanphear, a senior scientist at the child and family research institute at B.C. Children’s Hospital.
Studies in animal models are “quite concerning,” and raise questions about prostate disease, breast cancer, fertility issues and behaviour problems in children, Lanphear said.
“Health Canada considers that sufficient evidence relating to human health has been presented to justify the conclusion that bisphenol A is harmful to human life and should be added to Schedule 1 of [the Canadian Environmental Protection Act],” the federal government reported in the Canada Gazette.
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