Oct. 18 EU: ECHA advises registrants to check their company information in REACH-IT

This press release was brought to you by the ECHA – advising their registrants to check their company info in REACH-IT.

After the REACH-IT update in November, existing registrants will see who else has registered their substance or successfully submitted an inquiry.  ECHA advises all registrants to check the information they have submitted in their dossiers by the end of November to avoid unexpected disclosure of information.

A new feature in REACH-IT will provide full transparency to all registrants who have used the same numerical identifier for their substance in their dossiers. ECHA’s aim is to help both the existing and potential registrants to better fulfil their data sharing and joint submission obligations. With the new version of REACH-IT, registrants will see all the names of legal entities that have received a registration or an inquiry number for the same substance.

he REACH-IT homepage will be updated regularly to provide more details concerning the release date of the last version of REACH-IT that will be frozen up to the next registration deadline.

For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.