This news alert is brought to you by the ECHA.
Dossier evaluation covers compliance checks and testing proposal examinations. Both processes may lead to ECHA decisions requesting further information from registrants. In the follow-up to these decisions ECHA assesses whether the registrants provided the requested information by the deadline set in the decision and whether this new information should lead to further actions. A new factsheet has been published clarifying this follow-up stage.
Once a dossier evaluation decision has been issued and no appeal has been submitted, the decision is legally binding. ECHA expects to receive the information requested at the latest by the deadline set via an update of the registration dossier. Examining the dossier updates and any new information contained in them is, therefore, the final element of the dossier evaluation process.
The fact sheet describes the process steps and the possible outcome documents. Communciation issues after the decision has been received are also addressed. The fact sheet includes also useful reminders for registrants.
For more information and the full news alert please refer to the ECHA link above.
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