Nov. 6 EU: Registrants intending to update their contact information in REACH IT must do so now

This news alert is brought to you by the ECHA.

As previously announced (ECHA/NA/12/44), the next release of REACH-IT will include a new Co-Registrants page which gives registrants direct access to each other’s contact details. This is a reminder that registrants are advised to review their existing dossier(s), in particular in the case that a third party representative (TPR) has been appointed by the registrant but has not been consistently reported in the relevant dossier(s).

ECHA recommends registrants to review these instructions and submit any resultant update as soon as possible, taking into account the time of processing required at ECHA. Such updates can only be taken into account in the new Co-Registrants page if they have reached the positive decision stage before the launch of the updated REACH-IT scheduled for 30 November 2012.

For more information and the full news alert please refer to the link above.