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Taiwan SDS Authoring

Taiwan SDS Authoring

National Regulations Governing SDSs

The responsibility of Taiwan’s chemical regulation for the workplace falls under the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) under the authority of The Labor Safety and Health Act (LSHA) enacted for the purpose of preventing occupational accidents and protecting labor safety and health. The legislation relating to SDS regulations is under Article 7 Paragraph 2 of the LSHA, specifically the CLA created the Regulation of Labelling and Hazard Communication of Dangerous and Harmful Materials in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 Paragraph 2. Further, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the authority of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (TCSCA) regulates SDS’s through their Toxic Chemical Substances Labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets Regulations pursuant to Article 17, Paragraph 2. Both the LSHA and the TCSCA refer to the national standard CNS 15030 Z1051 – Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (based on 2007 UN GHS Purple Book revised 2nd edition).

Taiwan’s national standard CNS15030 – Classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS) has been revised to align with the fourth edition of the UN Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and has been fully implemented since 1 January 2016. (Source: ChemicalWatch)

Additional Regulations

Taiwan is currently implementing the GHS system within their legislation. Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communication under the authority of Traffic Safety Rule Article 84, regulates the transportation of dangerous chemicals using the national standard CNS 6864 Z5071 which is based on the 15th version of the UN TDG.

Other Councils and Ministries that govern chemical regulation (based on CNS 15030 Z1051 are:

  • Council of Agriculture (COA) – Regulations of Pesticides labeling Management
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) – Labelling Criteria for Commercial Product

GHS Implementation Status

Taiwan has adopted the UN GHS system, GHS has been mandatory for all substances and mixtures since 1 Jan 2016. (Source: Chemsafetypro)

The chemical inventory is already developed.

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