India SDS Authoring

National Regulations Governing SDSs

The responsibility of India’s chemical regulations for Safety Data Sheet authoring falls under the Ministry of Environment & Forests, and Department of Environment, Forests and Wildlife. The regulations for SDS authoring are found in the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989, which amended the “Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules” S.O. 966 27 Nov 1989. The specific layout for an SDS is outlined in schedule 9 of the rule.

Additional Regulations

GHS Implementation Status

India has signed treaties regarding the implementation of the UN GHS. In January 2012 India announced draft legislation pertaining to the implementation of the GHS would soon be approved. However, this legislation is awaiting government approval.

Multi – Jurisdiction SDS Options

Combining India SDSs with other jurisdictions is not recommended.