National Regulations Governing Labels:
In the Philippines the Occupational safety and Health Standards Rule 1090 sets out the labeling Criteria for hazardous substances in an industrial setting. The scope of Rule 1090 applies to all “workplaces in which hazardous substances in solid, liquid or gaseous forms are manufactured, handled and used or in which flammable, irritating, offensive or toxic dusts, fibers, gases, mists or vapors are generated or released in quantities injurious to health.”
Additional Regulations:
Other chemical management policy and legislation can be found primarily through the following government resources:
- Regulates Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics: The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) under the RA 9711 (2009)
- Regulates Agricultural Chemicals: The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) under PD 1144
- Regulates Industrial Chemicals: The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) through its Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) under RA 6969.
GHS Implementation Status:
The Philippines has adopted the UN GHS system, and it is currently being implemented. According to a report titled “Status of GHS Implementation in Southeast, East and Central Asia” (Sept 2010), the Philippines agreed in 2008 that there would be a transition period of 3 years. However, there are some legislative acts and drafts still being finalized. For comprehensive information on GHS implementation in the Philippines please refer to the report mentioned above.
Language for required text:
Filipino (Tagalog)
Multi-Jurisdiction Label Options:
Extra language comments:
All specific hazard text provided in Filipino (Tagalog) and English. Hazard text can be provided in additional languages upon request. Marketing text translation can be provided upon request.