The European Commission has launched a new online database of the ingredients used in cosmetic products making it easier for companies to find up-to-date information on substances needed to develop new cosmetics or to improve existing ones.
The new database, called ‘CosIng’ (COSmetics INGredients), replaces the old pdf format list which was one of the most consulted documents on the DG Enterprise website. Using CosIng, businesses and authorities can now check if and how a substance is regulated at EU level, from when and how it has been regulated through the years and what are the opinions of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) which form the basis of this legislation. Companies will no longer have to search through various documents to get the full picture.
EU law on cosmetic products is now more accessible and transparent and this will make life easier for companies and reduce costs. It will also facilitate market surveillance by the Competent Authorities and contribute to the safety of cosmetic products.
Click on the link above for the full article. The database is available here: CosIng.