May. 17 EU: New CLH public consultations launched on lenacil and boric acid

This notice is brought to you by the ECHA.

ECHA invites the parties concerned to comment on two new proposals for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) on lenacil and boric acid. The public consultation will be open for 45 days and will end on 28 June 2013.

The CLH proposal on lenacil was submitted by Belgium. Lenacil is a herbicide and has no harmonised classification and labelling. The dossier submitter is proposing classification for environmental hazards.

The CLH proposal on boric acid was submitted by Poland. There is already a harmonised classification for this substance and the dossier submitter is proposing to revise the classification for reproductive toxicity, i.e. to remove the classification for fertility effects and to downgrade the classification for developmental toxicity. ECHA reminds the parties concerned of the ongoing public consultation (until 14 June) for two other borates for which the dossier submitter (The Nederlands) proposed a more severe classification than boric acid, for both developmental and fertility effects.

For more information and the full notice please refer to the ECHA link above.