Mar. 7 EU: ECHA to conduct a preliminary study and hold a webinar on the use of five cobalt salts

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Based on the study, the Commission can conclude whether it will request ECHA to prepare a dossier to restrict the use of these salts if there are indications of a risk to human health which is not adequately controlled. The Commission made this request after it opted to postpone the decision on the inclusion of these substances in the Authorisation List (Annex XIV) until a restriction process has been concluded.

ECHA will organise a webinar on March 20 to explain the restriction procedure relating to the five cobalt salts and how the current preliminary study contributes to it. The webinar will  explain the type of data sought for this initial inquiry. Although the webinar is directed towards cobalt salts, manufacturers and their downstream users, participation is open to any third parties interested in the event. Additional Information is available on the webinar section of the ECHA website.

For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.