Mar. 6 EU: First substance evaluation results – further information needed on 32 substances
This press release is brought to you by the ECHA.
The Member States have evaluated 36 substances listed in the community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for 2012. Four out of those 36 substances evaluated have been concluded without a need for additional information. For the rest of the substances the evaluating Member State has proposed to ask the registrants to provide further information. Next the registrants have the possibility to comment on the requests.
The CoRAP lists substances subject to substance evaluation under REACH. In the first year, 2012, the Member States agreed to evaluate 36 substances. The deadline for submitting the results to ECHA was 28 February 2013. In 32 cases the evaluating Member State concluded to request further information from the registrants. These requests are presented in the form of a draft decision and they may concern any hazard and/or exposure information that is necessary for clarifying any identified concern during the evaluation.
As a coordinating body, ECHA will forward the draft decisions to the concerned registrants for comments in two batches. The target date for sending the draft decisions via REACH-IT is either 20 March 2013 or 4 April 2013. On 20 March, ECHA will send the draft decisions where there is only one registrant as a recipient and on 4 April the remaining decisions with multiple registrants as recipients will be sent. The registrants have 30 days to comment on the proposed requests included in the draft decisions. If there are multiple registrants per substance, the registrants should coordinate their views and submit the consolidated comments to ECHA within the 30 days.
For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.