Mar. 22 EU: Follow the REACH 2013 registration progress online
This press release is brought to you by the ECHA.
The new information relates to the number of substances registered for the 31 May 2013 deadline. It also breaks down the registrations by their type, their role in the joint submission, company size and whether the registration was submitted by a manufacturer, importer or an only representative. The number of registration dossiers submitted in each of the 27 EU Member States and the number of dossiers currently being processed is also presented.
Companies are encouraged to follow the progress of registrations to ensure that their substances manufactured or imported at or above 100 tonnes a year are being registered. A further course of action is to check with their suppliers to ensure that preparations towards the deadline are going as planned. Substances that will not be registered may unexpectedly disappear from the market.
For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.