This press release is brought to you by the ECHA.
The Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for 2013-2015 covers 115 substances that are suspected of posing risk to human health or the environment. The updated CoRAP list has been prepared in close cooperation with the Member States, taking into account the agreed risk-based criteria for the selection of substances. ECHA has adopted the CoRAP update on the basis of the favourable opinion of ECHA’s Member State Committee (MSC), which was adopted by consensus on 6 February 2013.
ECHA foresees to have on average 50 substance evaluations carried out per year through this and the future CoRAP updates. This seems realistic with a view of the capacity of the Member States for the evaluation work and responds to current regulatory needs for triggering the substance evaluation process.
From the publication of the CoRAP update, the respective Member States have one year to evaluate substances specified for 2013 and, where justified, to prepare a draft decision requesting the registrants to submit further information to clarify any possible risk. The decision will be taken by ECHA after consultation of the Member State competent authorities and the MSC, or by the European Commission if there is no unanimity at the MSC. As for other evaluation decisions, registrants of the substances listed on the CoRAP will have opportunities to comment before any final decision is taken.
For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.