Mar. 15 US: EPAs Enforcement Actions Target “Fractions”
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Rosemarie Kelley, Director, Waste and Chemical Enforcement Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, announced during a recent industry meeting that one of EPA’s enforcement priorities will be to look at how manufacturers are naming and listing fractions of existing chemicals for Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory purposes. Kelley stated that fractions or ‘slices’ of existing substances could be new chemical substances for which premanufacture notifications (PMN) should have been filed. In fact, EPA has already begun that process, as several enforcement initiatives are underway derivative of information generated in connection with the action brought against Dover Chemical Company. EPA is investigating alleged violations of TSCA Section 8(a) reporting under the Inventory Update Rule (IUR)/Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Rule and TSCA Section 5 new chemical notifications against what appears to be a growing number of companies regarding their use of Chemical Identities/Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers (CI/CASRN) for substances that EPA now claims are fractionated and should have been identified with more specificity than what the CI/CASRNs listed on the TSCA Inventory provide.
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