Mar. 10 – Charting A Course: Refining Canada’s Approach to Regulating Natural Health Products

A document was just released by Health Canada on the Natural Health Products Regulatory Review. Here are some details from the Health Canada site:

This document has been developed as a tool to introduce issues and stimulate discussion around the Natural Health Products Regulatory Review (the Review). It is intended to provide the reader with sufficient background and information to understand the context of proposed components of the review. This document is meant to support the initial stages of the discussion…

This document provides background information on the Natural Health Products Regulations (NHPR) and the Natural Health Products Regulatory Review Initiative (the Review) for the purposes of stakeholder consultation. The Review is intended to guide the process for the refinement of the regulation of natural health products in Canada…

An online questionnaire will supplement this document to facilitate specific feedback from stakeholders on a listing of issues. The NHPD encourages stakeholders to review this document and provide feedback using this questionnaire, which will be available on the Health Canada website on March 23, 2007. Notification will be sent to stakeholders announcing the availability of this consultation questionnaire.

Because of the regulatory nature of the identified issues, this paper may be of special interest to people in industry, health care practice, academia, non-governmental organization (NGOs), provincial and territorial governments and regulatory bodies, as well as consumers who use NHPs. The feedback received will assist in the development of options and planning for issues resolution.

The full document is available here: Charting A Course: Refining Canada’s Approach to Regulating Natural Health Products.