Jun. 16 2008 – Canada: Major Revisions to Bill C-51 Forthcoming

It appears that major revisions will be made to Bill C-51: Food and Drugs Act. An article from the Vancouver Sun explains:

In a surprising about-face, Health Minister Tony Clement has agreed to key demands of the natural health products industry after the sector launched a grassroots campaign against restrictions on homeopathic medicines and herbal remedies in new legislation.

When Clement proposed amendments to the Food and Drugs Act in April, natural medicines were lumped in with pharmaceutical drugs, raising concerns they would be subject to the same type of oversight. He now admits it was a mistake not to create a separate category under the law…

The government is now proposing to insert a definition of natural health products into the Food and Drugs Act to “clearly recognize” that they’re distinct from foods and drugs under the law…

And as a lower-risk product than prescription drugs, the government is proposing other changes to make it clear natural medicines will follow a different process to get to market. The new amendments make explicit mention that traditional knowledge and history of use can be considered for obtaining authorization to sell a natural health product.

For more information, click on the above links.

We will be posting updates to the site as soon as they become available. Thank you to reader JC for bringing this article to our attention.