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Jan. 18 EU: ECHA recommends 10 SVHCs for authorisation

This notice is brought to you by the ECHA.

This is the fourth ECHA recommendation of substances for authorisation from the Candidate List. The 10 new substances have been prioritised based on their hazard properties, volumes used, and use related potential for exposure to humans. In its recommendation, the Agency took into account the comments received during public consultation last summer and the opinion of the Member State Committee from December 2012, which is supporting ECHA’s recommendation. For each substance recommended for inclusion in Annex XIV, a deadline (the sunset date) is suggested after which companies will only be able to use it within the EU if an authorisation has been granted.

The final decision on the inclusion of the substances in Annex XIV (the authorisation list) and on their sunset dates will be taken by the European Commission in collaboration with Member States and the European Parliament.

The authorisation regime is one of the core mechanisms of REACH for the protection of human health and the environment. Making these 10 substances of very high concern (SVHCs) subject to authorisation ensures that their risks are properly controlled and that the substances are progressively replaced with suitable alternative substances or technologies.

For the full list of substances recommended please refer to the link above.

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