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Jan. 14 US: California Dept. of Public Health Launches Cosmetics Database to Uncover Harmful Chemicals

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Pursuant to state law, the California Department of Public Health unveiled a searchable website that allows the public to learn whether cosmetic products have been reported to contain any ingredients known to cause cancer or reproductive harm.


Visitors to the website will be able to search the California Safe Cosmetics Program (CSCP) Product Database by product name, company name or chemical ingredient. As of November 2013, approximately 475 companies had submitted product information on roughly 30,000 products to CDPH’s California Safe Cosmetics Program. The website also includes educational information to help users learn how exposure to chemicals can affect their health and what is known about specific chemicals.


The CSCP created this website to make information reported by cosmetics companies under the California Safe Cosmetics Act of 2005 publically available. The Act requires cosmetics companies to report to the California Safe Cosmetics Program if their products are sold in California, the company has more than $1 million per year in aggregate cosmetic sales, and products containing any chemical ingredient that has been found to cause cancer or reproductive harm.



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