In late September, Health Canada published a document entitled Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) based Approach for Certain Substances.
Out of 1,500 substances that were remaining on the priority substances list, Health Canada identified 237 substances that will be addressed in the third phase of the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). The aim of the TTC based Approach was to identify substances that were not previously evaluated by rapid screening. The TTC identified 89 Substances that were unlikely to pose a risk to human health, while the remaining 148 substances either had exposure estimates that were higher than the TTC values or were excluded. However, these remaining substances will undergo further assessment.
Health Canada will conduct more assessments on the 89 substances under the CEPA, while comments are due until November 30, 2016.
For more information, please visit The National Law Review. Please contact Nexreg for Health Canada Compliance and Canadian SDS services.