Feb. 27 EU: REACH Evaluation Report 2012: Quality information required for REACH compliance
This article is brought to you by the ECHA.
The Evaluation Report 2012 shows that a large part of the examined registration dossiers still raise quality and subsequently compliance concerns. ECHA strongly encourages registrants, in particular if they are preparing registration dossiers for the second REACH registration deadline, to read the recommendations of the report and act accordingly.
Last year was a crucial year for evaluating REACH registration dossiers. The evaluation report presents details and figures on the Agency’s evaluation activities and their respective output. During 2012, ECHA examined all the testing proposals received for the first REACH registration deadline in 2010. The Agency adopted 171 decisions on testing proposals, and sent 364 draft decisions to registrants.
“I need to remind registrants that registration under REACH is not just a paper exercise and that high quality data is not an end in itself. The purpose of describing a substance clearly and assessing potential hazards and exposure with scientific rigour is to ensure that the risks are properly identified and controlled in order to protect workers and the public at large,” says ECHA’s Executive Director Geert Dancet.
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