Feb. 25 – US: Inspector General Report Puts On More Pressure for TSCA Chemical Reform

From The Dake Page:

This past week the Office of the Inspector General, which is part of the USEPA, released a report called “EPA Needs a Coordinated Plan to Oversee Its Toxic Substances Control Act Responsibilities.” The report concludes that “EPA does not have integrated procedures and measures in place to ensure that new chemicals entering commerce do not pose an unreasonable risk to human health and the environment.” They found limitations in three key processes – assessment, oversight, and transparency.

The OIG report recommended that EPA better coordinate risk assessment and oversight activities by establishing a management plan, establish criteria for selecting chemicals for low-level exposure and cumulative risk assessment, and development a management plan for TSCA enforcement…

The full report is available here: EPA Needs a Coordinated Plan to Oversee Its Toxic Substances Control Act Responsibilities

For additional information follow the link above.

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