EU Cosmetics Regulation: New EU Rules are combating misleading information and putting safer cosmetics on EU shelves

This news release on EU Cosmetics Regulation is brought to you by Europa.



As of today, cosmetics on shop shelves, both manufactured in the EU and imported from third countries, should be fully compliant with the EU Cosmetics Regulation ensuring strengthened safety standards and providing better information for the consumers.


Neven Mimica, European Commissioner for Consumer Policy, said: “From daily essentials like toothpaste to that little luxury of a new lipstick or aftershave, consumers are now better protected and have clearer information about the cosmetics they buy. The new rules also make enforcement easier, bringing greater peace of mind and confidence in the products purchased.”


Greater confidence should benefit producers as well as consumers. With many world leaders in this sector, and with over 4000 cosmetic manufacturers, the cosmetics industry is a major asset for the EU in the globalised economy. The sector creates directly and indirectly over 1.5 million jobs.



For more information on the EU COsmetics Regulation please visit the Europa link above. Please contact Nexreg for our Cosmetic Labels services.