This news article about how ECHA shortlists substances for possible regulatory action, is brought to you by ECHA.
The Agency has selected approximately 200 substances from the REACH registrations for further scrutiny by the Member State competent authorities. The competent authorities will carry out a manual examination of the dossiers to decide whether there is a need for regulatory action, such as compliance check, substance evaluation, harmonised classification and labelling, authorisation or restriction.
Helsinki, 25 June 2015 – The 200 substances shortlisted are registered by 800 companies in around 1 300 registration dossiers. The selection is based on an automated screening focusing on substances with potential CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction), PBT (persistent bioaccumulative toxic), endocrine disrupting or sensitising properties. Substances are then further prioritised based on uses that are likely to lead to exposure to humans or release to the environment.
The companies affected will soon receive a letter from ECHA informing them of the on-going examination of their registrations. They are invited to update their dossier to address any shortcomings as soon as possible. Up-to-date information will help the Member State authorities to better assess whether the concern indicated by the screening is confirmed, and whether regulatory action is still considered appropriate.
To read further about how ECHA shortlists substances for possible regulatory action, please follow the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for Regulatory Services.