ECHA’s annual evaluation report published

This news update disccusing ECHA’s annual evaluation report is brought to you by ECHA.



The ECHA Annual Evaluation Report 2014 shows that a considerable share of the examined registration dossiers still requires improvement. At the same time, more registrants comply with ECHA’s dossier evaluation decisions.


The annual evaluation report covers the Agency’s evaluation activities and the corresponding output.


In 2014, the focus of dossier evaluation activities shifted to testing proposals from the 2013 registration deadline. The Agency concluded 239 examinations and took 129 decisions. In 112 cases, ECHA accepted the tests proposed by the registrants and in 16 cases, it modified at least one of the proposed tests. In one case, the testing proposal was rejected.


A total of 283 compliance check evaluations carried over from 2013 or opened during 2014, were concluded. Of these, 111 were concluded with no further action and 172 cases led to a draft decision, requesting more information from registrants. Due to the selection of dossiers with clear indications of potential non-compliance, this proportion is not a reliable indicator of the overall data quality of the whole registration database. Regarding compliance check cases at a decision-making phase, 132 were closed after the draft decision and for 273 dossiers, ECHA took decisions. Most of the information requests in draft or final decisions were related to exposure assessment and risk characterisation, substance identity, pre-natal developmental toxicity studies, sub-chronic toxicity studies and physicochemical properties.



For more information regarding ECHA’s annual evaluation report please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for REACH compliance services.