Draft Priority Product Three-Year Work Plan: Work Plan Signals Expanded Calif. Green Chemistry Program

This news pdate on the Draft Priority Product Three-Year Work Plan is brought to you by JD Supra.



As part of its Safer Consumer Products Regulation (SCPR) under California’s Green Chemistry Initiative, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) on September 13, 2014 issued its Draft Priority Product Three-Year Work Plan. Companies that manufacture or sell products within the seven categories identified in the draft Work Plan will need to pay close attention to the pre- and then final rulemaking process. Initial comments on the draft Work Plan are due by October 13, 2014, although DTSC acknowledges that implementation of the SCPR, and in particular selection of priority products, will be a long process, and that significant input from all stakeholders will be critical and opportunities to participate in that process will continue.


As with many environmental initiatives that begin in California, the SCPR will be closely watched by the rest of the nation, and if successful could result in much broader application. In fact, following enactment of the SCPR, there have been attempts in Congress to revise the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to develop nationwide green chemistry initiatives, but also to preempt similar state laws such as the SCPR. However, inclusion of the preemption provisions in the proposed TSCA legislation has thus far thwarted any real chance of TSCA reform.



For more information on the Draft Priority Product Three-Year Work Plan please visit the JD Supra link above. Please contact Nexreg for Regulatory Services.