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Dec. 2 – US: Sound Science Trumps Special Interests In EPA Ethanol Blend Decision

From the Environmental Working Group:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that it would wait until mid-2010 to decide on whether to grant a waiver request that would allow for the use of up to 15 percent ethanol in gasoline. Growth Energy, an ethanol trade and lobby group, requested the waiver. EPA based their decision on the need to conduct more tests to determine a higher blend’s impact on engines.

The corn-ethanol industry has lobbied fiercely for the increase in blend limit, claiming that a government-forced increase in ethanol use would create over 130,000 new jobs. But a new EWG report, citing independent university and government research, concludes that ethanol lobbyists have dramatically exaggerated the employment benefits of their proposal, even as automakers and small engine manufacturers warn that a higher ethanol blend could cause serious damage to millions of motors in vehicles, boats and lawn equipment.

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