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Consumer Product and Cosmetics Reports Received- Quarterly Data October 1,2015 to December 31, 2015

Nexreg Compliance

Interesting statistics came from the, Consumer Product and Cosmetics Reports Received- Quarterly Data October 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, found on the Health Canada website today.



Health Canada regularly receives reports on human health or safety concerns related to consumer products and cosmetics. Consumer products are covered under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act while cosmetics are covered under the Food and Drugs Act.



Industry is required to submit reports to Health Canada when they become aware of an incident related to their consumer product. Consumers report concerns about consumer products and cosmetics on a voluntary basis.



Percentage of reports received by product category
Category Percentage
Appliances 31%
Housewares 24%
Electronics 13%
Children’s Products 10%
Home & Automobile Maintenance 7%
Grooming Products & Accessories 5%
Sports, Recreation & Hobby 4%
Clothing, Textiles & Accessories 4%
Outdoor Living 3%



To continue reading these statistics, please click the Health Canada link above. To find out more information about Chemical Regulations, contact Nexreg. 

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