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Chemicals used in Canadian workplace: Government of Canada Tables Legislation to Improve Labelling and Classification of Workplace Chemicals

Nexreg Compliance

This news update discussing chemicals used in the Canadian workplace is brought to you by the Government of Canada.



The proposed legislative changes to the Hazardous Products Act (HPA) are an important step in Canada’s implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) for workplace chemicals, a system currently being implemented by the United States and other countries.


Chemicals used in Canadian workplaces are produced and sold around the world. Other countries often have differences in the classification, labelling and provision of safety information for these products.  The purpose of the GHS for workplace chemicals is to promote both workplace safety and international trade by applying classification of work place chemicals and safety information requirements that are globally accepted.


Quick Facts



    • Implementing the GHS in alignment with the U.S. will strengthen protection for workers through enhanced and more consistent hazard information.


    • This measure will provide a net benefit for Canadians of nearly $400 million in increased productivity and decreased health and safety costs




For more information on chemicals used in the canadian workplace, please visit the Government of Canada link above.  Please contact Nexreg for GHS Compliance services.

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