This new release on the C&L Inventory is brought to you by ECHA.
New features help to visualise with greater clarity the information available on the harmonised and self-classified substances submitted to the Inventory.
Helsinki, 4 March 2014 – ECHA has released a new update of the C&L Inventory. The changes implemented improve the information visualised on the summary of the classification and labelling page. The highlights are:
- Impurity flags for notified substances where a notifier has indicated that an impurity or an additive present in the substance impacts the notified classification.
- Additional CAS numbers (e.g. for differently hydrated forms of the same substance) which were notified in addition to the one reported under the general information section are published in the column “Additional Notified Information”.
- Publicly available IUPAC names as well as the notified physical state/form of the substance for all (aggregated) notifications are now also reported under the “Additional Notified Information” column.
- Information on affected organs/specific effects and route of exposure as reported by notifiers are now also displayed in the classification and labelling columns.
- Download and export of up to 9999 search results for a substance of interest.
With this new release, ECHA aims to further enhance the user-friendliness and readability of the database and works towards the goal of making the C&L Inventory a central source of information on harmonised and self-classified substances on the EU market.
For more information on the C&L Inventory please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for Regulatory Services.