Entries by Team Nexreg

Nov. 23 – New Substances Program Advisory Note 2006-04 – Administrative Change for New Substances Used in Products Regulated by the Food & Drugs Act

This advisory note is to inform manufacturers and importers of new substances and any other stakeholders of an administrative change made to the New Substances Notification (NSN) process for substances used in products regulated by the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA). To view complete article, published on the Government of Canada’s New Substances website, please […]

Nov. 14 – Notice to interested parties – Intent to delete non-eligible substances from the Domestic Substances List

Canada Gazette I – Vol. 140, No. 45 — November 11, 2006 Notice to interested parties — Intent to delete non-eligible substances from the Domestic Substances List Notice is hereby given that the Minister of the Environment intends to delete 1 105 substances from the Domestic Substances List which, as the result of an audit, […]

Oct. 12 – Natural Health Product Monograph – Sunburn Protectants

Sunburn protectants are classified as natural health products (NHPs) if they contain ingredients from Table 1. Applicants applying for a natural product number (NPN) can access the appropriate forms and guidance at: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/applications/licen-prod/form/index_e.html Sunburn protectants are classified as drugs if they contain at least one ingredient from Table 2. Applicants applying for a drug identification […]

Oct. 12 – Natural Health Product Monograph – Antiseptic Skin Cleansers

Antiseptic skin cleansers are classified as natural health products (NHPs) if they contain ingredients from Table 1. Applicants applying for a natural product number (NPN) can access the appropriate forms and guidance at: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/applications/licen-prod/form/index_e.html Antiseptic skin cleansers are classified as drugs if they contain any ingredients from Table 2. Applicants applying for a drug identification […]

Oct. 12 – Natural Health Product Monograph – Acne Therapy

Acne therapies are classified as natural health products (NHPs) if they contain ingredients from Table 1. Applicants applying for a natural product number (NPN) can access the appropriate forms and guidance at: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/applications/licen-prod/form/index_e.html Acne therapies are classified as drugs if they contain benzoyl peroxide. Applicants applying for a drug identification number (DIN) can access the […]

Oct. 12 – Natural Health Product Monograph – Anti-Dandruff Products

Anti-dandruff products are classified as natural health products (NHPs) if they contain ingredient(s) from Table 1. Applicants applying for a natural product number (NPN) can access the appropriate forms and guidance at: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/applications/licen-prod/form/index_e.html Anti-dandruff products are classified as drugs if they contain an ingredient from Table 2. Applicants applying for a drug identification number (DIN) […]