Entries by Team Nexreg

Mar. 9 – Marsh Comments on Effect of EU REACH Regulations

More on the costs of REACH compliance, this time provided by the Insurance Journal. Here is a snippet: In its report, “The Risk Management Impacts of REACH”, Marsh outlines the increased business risks that chemicals suppliers and users globally are facing as a result of REACH.” According to Marsh the EC “has stated that REACH […]

Mar. 9 – Taiwan: Trans-fats labeling requirements to begin in 2008

Radio Taiwan International has a short piece on new Taiwanese food labeling laws which come into effect next year: Beginning next year, Taiwan’s food producers will have to let consumers know if their products contain saturated fats or trans-fats. Companies will be required by law to put notations on product packaging. See: Trans-fats labeling requirements […]

Mar. 9 – EU: Chemicals, REACH, and Pesticides

The EU recently updated their Environment: Chemicals page. There’s a wealth of information and links on the page on EU chemical regulations and the introduction of the REACH system: In the early days of the European Community it was recognised that there was a need to protect the Community’s environment and to create common standards […]

Mar. 6 – NAFTA label made for farm chemical

More on NAFTA labeling of pesticides, which we brought to you last week with NAFTA: First Harmonized Label for Pesticide Product Available. The Billings Gazette discusses the new NAFTA pesticide label: Environmental regulators in the United States and Canada have developed a joint label for farm chemicals that officials say could save American farmers millions […]

Mar. 4 – EU: REACH will effect chemicals prices

Manufacturingtalk.com discusses the potential costs of REACH compliance: The most radical change to affect the European chemical industry in twenty years arrives on June 1st 2007. The estimated cost to the industry over eleven years to complete the exercise is EUR 2.3 billion! It comes as a direct result of European Parliament legislation called Registration, […]

Mar. 3 – NAFTA: First Harmonized Label for Pesticide Product Available

NewsBlaze.com discusses U.S./Canadian harmonization of pesticide labeling: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency have given the first joint approval of a North American Free Trade Agreement harmonized label for a pesticide product. The pesticide product is called Far-Go Granular Herbicide in the United States (EPA reg. 10163-287) and Avadex […]

Mar. 3 – US: Food Packages’ Dual Challenge: Inform and Sell

AMonline has a terrific primer on U.S. food labeling law. In Food Packages’ Dual Challenge: Inform and Sell Emily Refermat discusses the issue: This means vending operators have a lot to convey in a small space that should also entice. Once upon a time, consumers didn’t expect as much. Competitive “to-go” food wasn’t as prevalent. […]

Mar. 3 – EU: Amendments on contaminant levels in force

FoodProductionDaily.com discusses new EU food regulations in Amendments on contaminant levels in force. Here is a snippet: Three new EU regulations on contaminant levels in food came into force this month, requiring tougher safety controls in manufacturing plants. The EU-wide regulations on contaminants are part of the legislative push to increase the safety of the […]

Mar. 3 – Malta: Risks related to chemical agents reviewed

MaltaMedia discusses potential changes to chemical regulations in the nation of Malta, a member of the EU. The article Risks related to chemical agents reviewed states: The Occupational Health and Safety Authority is launching a consultation process to amend two legal regulations issued four year ago on the protection of the health and safety of […]