Entries by Team Nexreg

Nov. 4 – California: Prop 65 White Paper

The Gift and Home Trade Association has a very useful, if somewhat alarming, white paper on Proposition 65: Here are some common misconceptions about Proposition 65 and similar legislation (referred to as “Prop 65”): Prop 65 doesn’t apply to my products:  This is not a safe assumption unless you’ve actually tested your products for compliance.  […]

Nov. 4 – EU: 60-second guide to REACH

Remember, just a month to go for pre-registrations!  CIOL.com has a terrific primer on REACH: If a pre-registration window that is open until the end of November is missed then substances cannot be imported or sold until fully registered, and the safety data and risk assessments could take many months to prepare. Substances of Very […]

Oct. 28 – GHS: GHS Information Sheets from the SCHC

The SCHC has a couple terrific resources on GHS, available here.  The following PDFs are available from them: GHS Pictograms GHS Flammable and Combustible Liquids Click on the above links for more information. Nexreg has more information on GHS at the following link: GHS Strategic Planning (English) To speak to a Nexreg representative about how […]

Oct. 27 – Canada: More CCCR Recalls in October

As we mentioned in Health Canada Cracking Down on Non Compliant Labels a number of products have been recalled for non-compliance with CCCR-2001 and the cosmetics regulations.  We have identified 17 products that have been recalled for label violations this year: Oct. 2008: Crack filler for asphalt (lacking necessary symbols) Oct. 2008: Tanning mist (flammability) […]

Oct. 27 – EU: REACH and Waste Recovery

From letsrecycle.com: The guidance document aims to help UK companies who believe they could be affected by the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulations as they are introduced across Europe this year. It has been published ahead of final guidance being issued by the European Commission and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). While […]

Oct. 20 – US EPA: Proposed Rule – National Emission Standards for Halogenated Solvent Cleaning

From the EPA: On May 3, 2007, EPA promulgated the final rule titled: National Air Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Halogenated Solvent Cleaning (the Halogenated Solvent Cleaning rule) pursuant to sections 112(d)(6) and 112(f) of the Clean Air Act. The Halogenated Solvent Cleaning rule set facility-wide emission limits for certain halogenated solvent cleaning machines […]

Oct. 17 – US: Final Amendments to EPCRA Regulations

A bulletin from the EPA: On October 17, 2008, EPA finalized several changes to the Emergency Planning (Section 302), Emergency Release Notification (Section 304) and Hazardous Chemical Reporting (Sections 311 and 312) regulations that were proposed on June 8, 1998 (63 FR 31268). These changes include clarification on how to report hazardous chemicals in mixtures, […]

Oct. 17 – US: New EPA Lead Standard

A press release from the EPA: The new standard for lead in the air, 0.15 micrograms per cubic meter (microgram/m3), is a tenfold reduction from the current standard of 1.5 microgram/m3 and is within the range recommended to the EPA by its science advisors. The current standard dates back to 1978, a time when leaded […]