Entries by Team Nexreg

Dec. 15 – California: Rally held against new pesticide

From the Sacramento Press: Near 100 people rallied in front of the Capitol on Monday, opposing a new pesticide containing methyl iodide that could potentially be used at strawberry farms statewide. The group – made of up farm laborers from around the state, local activists and consumers – marched from Caesar Chavez Park to the […]

Dec. 14 – US: Maine DEP Says Federal Chemical Regulations Do Not Protect the Public

From The Free Press: Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) released a set of principles last week to try to ensure that the debate in the U.S. Congress over reforming the nation’s chemical policy stays focused on protecting public health and the environment. The principles were developed through a collaboration of 13 states – California, […]

Dec. 12 – California: New Chemical Listed on Prop 65: Molinate

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) within the California Environmental Protection Agency is adding molinate (CAS No. 2212-67-1) to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity for purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65).  The listing of molinate is effective December […]

Dec. 11 – Canada: Senate skips Bill C-6 amendments and votes as is

From The Montreal Gazette: The Senate on Wednesday narrowly voted down sweeping Liberal amendments to weaken the government’s product-safety law — paving the way for a new consumer-protection law to be in place in Canada before Christmas. Joseph Day, the Liberal critic for the consumer-protection bill in the Senate, put forward the provisions to fix […]

Dec. 11 – US: Higher Risk of Miscarriage Found Among African-Americans, Nonsmokers Living Near Busy Roads

From OEHHA: Pregnant women who are African-American or nonsmokers are more likely to have miscarriages if they live near heavy traffic, according to a new state study. Researchers examining health-care data on nearly 5,000 pregnant women in California found that African-Americans were about three times more likely to miscarry if they lived within a half-block […]

Dec. 10 – US: EWG Lab Tests Find BPA, Perchlorate in Newborn Umbilical Cords

From Environmental Protection: Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Rachel’s Network have detected bisphenol A (BPA) for the first time in the umbilical cord blood of U.S. Newborns. The tests identified the plastics chemical in 9 of 10 cord blood samples from babies of African American, Asian and Hispanic descent. The findings […]

Dec. 8 – Canada: Possibility of amendments to Bill C-6

From the Toronto Star – Senators weakening safety bill, Tories say: The Conservative government has been trying to rework the consumer product safety regulatory framework for the past two years, but key Liberal members of the Senate social affairs committee voted Wednesday to amend Bill C-6, also known as the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act. […]

Dec. 4 – Canada: Release of the Final Guidance Document: Human-Use Antiseptic Drugs

From Health Canada: The final version of this Health Canada guidance document Human-Use Antiseptic Drugs is now available. Comments and suggestions received from the consultation on the draft version of the guidance were reviewed and considered in the finalization of this document, and are available upon request. This guidance applies to antiseptic skin products for […]

Dec. 3 – Canada: Health, environmental and consumer groups urge the Senate to pass Bill C-6 before holiday gift-giving season

From CNW Group: The Senate is being urged to pass the Consumer Product Safety Act before the upcoming holiday gift-giving season and in the interest of the safety and welfare of all Canadians. The proposed Bill C-6: Consumer Product Safety Act, which is still being debated by the Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and […]