Aug. 22 EU: New PIC Regulation adds to ECHAs tasks

This is from a ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) press release last Thursday – about how new regulations that have come into effect will affect the organization.

The Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation gives new tasks for the Agency. The regulation implements the Rotterdam Convention at EU level and sets guidelines for the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals. The recast PIC Regulation is now in force, and will apply for industry from 1 March 2014 onwards.

PIC regulates the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals and requires industry to notify their intention to import or export these chemicals. ECHA’s main task will be to transmit the notifications to the importing (non-EU) countries, to manage all related communication and to keep a database of the notifications. Under the current legislation, these tasks are the responsibility of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

For the full press release and more information please follow the link.