Alternatives to hexabromocyclododecane: ECHA opens public consultation on alternatives to hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)
This news update on alternatives to hexabromocyclododecane is brought to you by ECHA.
Contributions on feasible alternatives to the uses applied for authorisation are welcome as soon as possible. This consultation closes on 9 July 2014 (23:59 Helsinki time).
Helsinki, 14 May 2014 – ECHA received a joint application for authorisation from 13 co-applicants for the following uses of HBCDD.
Substance name
Uses applied for
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)
- Formulation of flame retarded expanded polystyrene (EPS) to solid unexpanded pellets using hexabromocyclododecane as the flame retardant additive (for onward use in building applications)
- Manufacture of flame retarded expanded polystyrene (EPS) articles for use in building applications
Further information on the uses applied for is available on ECHA’s website. This includes the description of the function of the substance, exposures scenarios, possible alternatives identified by the applicants, together with socio-economic and other background information.
Comments can be submitted using a form on ECHA’s website. The comments received as well as the applicants’ responses to the comments will be published – unless the information needs to be treated as confidential.
For more information on alternatives to hexabromocyclododecane, please follow the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg to learn more about how we work.