This news update on the Adverse Outcomes Pathway is brought to you by ECHA.
The OECD has launched a new Adverse Outcomes Pathway (AOP)-wiki, which is a web-based platform gathering knowledge on how chemicals can induce adverse effects. The platform is a focal point for AOP development and dissemination.Ultimately it is expected that adopted AOPs will inform the OECD Test Guidelines Programme regarding new in vitro test methods that could become OECD Test Guidelines. They will also contribute to the OECD QSAR Project for the development of new methods/profilers for grouping chemicals and the OECD Hazard Assessment activities for the design of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) of chemicals. ECHA contributes to these developments via the relevant OECD working groups.
For more information on the Adverse Outcomes Pathway, please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for MSDS Services.