Dissemination Database: New features included in ECHA’s dissemination database
This news update on the Dissemination Database is brought to you by ECHA.
The database of registered substances has today been updated with information from 634 new dossiers. At the same time, there are new features published. From now on, ECHA will also indicate whether a registration is active or not and the first publication date of each dossier.
Helsinki, 20 March 2014 – ECHA regularly updates its dissemination database with new information from the new registration dossiers. With March’s batch, ECHA has disseminated information from 47 730 registered dossiers. In addition, ECHA re-processed all of the dossiers that are currently online to add new details to them.
For the first time, the Agency now indicates whether a registration is active or not. Non-active simply means that a registrant has indicated to ECHA that they have ceased manufacture or import of their registered substance. The status of a particular registration is now clearly made visible in two sections of the published dossier, the list of registrants and the list of registration numbers.
ECHA will also indicate the first publication date for each dossier as well as the date on which each dossier was last modified.
For more information on the Disseminatio Database, please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for REACH compliance consulting.