Export and Import: New EU Regulation for export and import of hazardous chemicals enters into operation

This news update discussing export and import is brought to you by ECHA.



From 1 March 2014, new rules concerning the export and import of very hazardous chemicals will be implemented, when the revised Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation becomes operational. At the same time, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will take over the administrative and technical responsibility from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.


Helsinki, 28 February 2014 – PIC regulates the export and import of very hazardous chemicals between the European Union and third countries, and implements the global Rotterdam Convention within the EU. Export of these chemicals cannot take place until the receiving country has been informed. In some cases, an ‘explicit consent’ is needed from the importing country. The regulation aims to promote shared responsibility and cooperation in the international trade of very hazardous chemicals, and to protect human health and the environment by giving information to the receiving countries on how to store, transport, use and dispose of such chemicals safely.


As of 1 March, the Agency starts processing industry’s export notifications and explicit consents. It will for now continue to use the existing European Database of Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals (EDEXIM). The ECHA Helpdesk is ready to help companies and authorities with the legal aspects of PIC and with individual notifications. To contact the ECHA Helpdesk, use the webform available on ECHA’s website.



For more news on exporting and importing, please visit the ECHA link above.  Please contact Nexreg for regulatory services.