Dec. 4 EU: Preliminary results of enforcement project point to high rates of incompliance among chemical formulators

This press release is brought to you by the ECHA, illustrating the need for proper compliance documents, and the understanding of relevant regulations.

The preliminary results of REACH-EN-FORCE-2 were presented to the participants of the thirteenth plenary meeting of the Forum which took place from 27 to 30 November 2012 in Helsinki. The project looked at the obligations of formulators of mixtures and the quality of Safety Data Sheets (SDS). The results highlighted the serious efforts Member States are taking to establish a harmonised approach to enforcement. Twenty-nine Member States participated in the project with national inspectors carrying out approximately 1200 inspections, 85% of the inspected companies were SMEs. The rate of companies submitting non-compliant SDS was 52%, the rate of incompliance with the (pre)registration obligations was 12% while the rate of incompliance with CLP notification obligations was 25%.

In this meeting the Forum also endorsed the final report of the Interlinks Working Group that involved the opinions of National Enforcement Authorities, the Member State Competent Authorities and ECHA. The outcome of the working group helps to further streamline the interactions between the authorities. As ECHA is gradually sending out more and more binding decisions resulting from its various regulatory processes, these interactions are increasingly important for the efficient and effective enforcement of REACH and CLP. The information exchange with national enforcement authorities is supported by RIPE (REACH Information Portal for Enforcement).

For the full press release and more information please refer to the link above. If you have any questions or concerns on how to become compliant, please feel free to contact Nexreg Compliance, Inc. by phone or e-mail, and we would be happy to help.